“Jessup treasures diversity as yet another gift from our good and glorious Creator. 我们有幸生活在一个色彩斑斓的世界里, 形状, 动物, 树, 每个部落的人也会为鲜花祈福, 舌头, 和国家. 多样性是上帝赐予我们的礼物, 求万民与我们慈爱的救主和好, and hope to live in 团结 as a people of God through the power of His Holy Spirit. 欢迎来到杰瑟普!”
-Dr. 约翰·杰克逊总统
威廉杰瑟普大学是一个多元化的学生群体, 教师, 工作人员, 董事会成员和其他附属机构. 的 社会契约 chapter on 团结 in Diversity guides the standards and behaviors expected of board members, 学生, and employees of Jessup大学 regarding their attitude and conduct toward the diversity of 比赛s, 种族, 民族文化, 性别, 残疾的人, 教派, and theologies represented in the University community and is subject to the Articles of Incorporation, 规章制度, 信仰声明, 并采纳董事会的政策.
的 社会契约 chapter on 团结 in Diversity is rooted in the following foundational assumptions:
- 所有的人 have been fearfully and wonderfully made in the im年龄 of God and are worthy of human dignity, 荣誉, 和尊重. (创1:27, 9:6; Psalm 139:14; James 3-9).
- 所有的人都犯了罪, 亏缺了神的荣耀, 并且需要一位救主(罗马书3:23), 6:23)
- 认识上帝的能力, 并与他和好, 是通过与耶稣基督的关系给予所有人的吗, 不分种族, 文化, 历史, 或背景. (约翰福音1:12,3:16,14:6).
- 神对人类的设计是我们的主要身份是在基督里. (歌罗西书2:9-10, 哥林多前书6:17, 创1:27, 1 John 3:1-2) Christ’s sacrifice for all humankind unifies believers in Christ in a common humanity through Him. (1 John 2:2; John 3:16; Acts 2:42-47).
- 一旦在基督里合一, 我们的种族差异, 种族, 民族文化, 性别, 和面额都是值得庆祝的理由, as this multiplicity of differences is represented in the Kingdom of Heaven and will be represented in the Kingdom of God upon Christ’s return. (加拉太书3:27-28,启示录7:9).
A. 欧宝娱乐官网种族,民族, & 民族文化,欧宝娱乐官网:
- 上帝创造了一个由不同种族组成的多样化的世界, 种族, and 民族文化 for the purpose of reflecting His infinite creativity.
- God is glorified when our University community is made up of a diversity of 比赛s, 种族, 以及在基督里合一的民族文化.
- 的 University community is benefitted by this diversity in our understanding, 升值, 庆祝我们的相同点和不同点.
B. 欧宝娱乐官网性别问题,我们认为:
- 我们是照着神的形像“奇妙而可畏地被造”的 expressed through intentional and distinct biological 性别 of male and female.
- God’s design of this 性别 binary is to complement one another: working together in partnership and sharing equally in God’s economy.
- God is glorified when our University provides a welcoming environment for both male and female that provides the same opportunities for learning, 增长, 成功, 并认识基督.
C. 在能力方面,欧宝娱乐官网:
- 我们是照着神的形像“奇妙而可畏地被造”的, 无论能力如何, 残疾, 或者身体状况.
- 所有的人, 有了适当的准备和愿望, can participate in our thriving campus community 无论能力如何, 残疾, 或者身体状况.
D. 欧宝娱乐官网面额,我们认为:
- Our efforts at providing Christ-centered education is Soli Deo Gloria (“for glory to God alone”), with core theological distinctives reflected in the University’s 信仰声明.
- 的 University community is made up of many different denominational beliefs in its Board, 工作人员, 教师, 和学生.
- While denominational differences may cause members of the University to have differing opinions on the methods of sacramental observances and a host of other theological topics of importance, these differences should never lead to divisiveness within the University.
- 不分教派差异, the University remains unified in providing a Christ-centered education that is reflected in the University’s bylaws, 信仰声明, 以及这个社区契约.
D. 在神学方面,欧宝娱乐官网:
- 的 University’s core theological distinctives are reflected and expressed in the University’s 信仰声明.
- 的se theological distinctives shall always be reflected throughout the University in its governing documents, 其领导, 就业, 指令, 学习环境.
- Differing theological worldviews are welcome in the University community: 1) for the purpose of bringing 学生 to a knowledge of Christ through repentance and conversion; and 2) in the context of civil, academic discourse for the benefit of preparing 学生 to work and live with diverse populations and conflicting worldviews, so that they may encounter and address conflicting worldviews with compassion and Biblical truth.
F. 影响
- We strive to model a University whose community makeup reflects the demographic breadth and depth of the Kingdom of Heaven. (Galatians 3:28; Mark 16:14-15; I Corinthians 9:19-23; John 13:34-35; John 17:20-23).
- 的 pursuit of unity in Christ means being intentional about fostering and creating an environment in which 学生 live in a community with people of different 比赛s, 种族, 民族文化, 语言, 性别, 能力, 和教派.
- Fulfilling the Great Commission to make disciples of Christ means being intentional about fostering and creating a campus environment in which 学生 with other theological worldviews are welcomed and ministered to for the purpose of knowing and accepting Christ.
- 我们蒙召是要活在世界上,而不是要属于世界. 在当今高度一体化的全球社会, 学生 will work and live with diverse populations whose worldviews will often conflict with a Biblical worldview. 的 University has a responsibility to prepare 学生 on how to evaluate and respond to these conflicts in a way that upholds Biblical truth. (约翰福音15:9,罗马书12:2).
- 神要信徒谦卑行事, 温柔, 和耐心, 和爱 one another while striving to facilitate and maintain unity among believers through the Spirit, 以一种以和平纽带为特征的方式, 快乐, 和爱. We will maintain unity 和尊重 in the midst of differences and disagreements with empathy and humility. (1 Corinthians 13:13; Galatians 5:22-23).
- 学习在多样化的环境中得到优化. 培养学生, 教师, 以及员工如何从事民事工作, 学术话语多元化, 有时, 交流思想是我们作为一所大学的责任. We believe all members of our community are called to model the example of Christ in their intellectual and vocational pursuits. (Matthew 21:22; 1 Peter 2:17).
- 借着耶稣基督的合一, we 荣誉 a variety of expressions within the boundaries of Biblical truth as expressed in this 社会契约, 信仰宣言, 以及大学对圣经的解释.